Friday, January 21, 2011

Stressful Day

It is 6:32 in the morning. Today I take my three year old to get his tonsils out. This is not the first time he has been under the knife. This is the third surgury he has had in his short life. The first was really simple, he had tubes put in his ears. The second was really scary, he had the back of his skull removed, his cerebellum tonsils cortirized, and then a bone graph to give his brain enough room. So after that I know that this should be easy. But, alas, it is not. I am sitting here after no sleep watching the clock. I am waiting as long as possible to wake up my kids. Cheryl did not fall asleep until after 2:00 in the morning. Just another worry. My mom's best friend is going to be babysitting her, and now I will worry all day wither or not she is screaming the whole time. I am also hopeing I am not forgetting anything in the dipar bag I have made for her. In 9 minutes I will be walking down the hall of the house we share with my parents and waking up my sleeping angels. I wish my parents were in town, I worry how well I will do waiting all by myself. But I will manage, I always do. I always wanted to be a Mommy, I just never thought that it would come with this much stress. Not that I am saying I would take back a minute of it. As we move into his fourth year of life I can only sit here and reminess on all the wonderful memories I have with my son. I also wonder what will happen in the future. Please pray that all goes well, and I will keep you posted so to speak.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

So as I was saying, we were very excited about being pregnant. We were talking about how to tell my parents the great news. Then I noticed the time. I had to leave in the next five minutes or I was going to be late for work. I kissed John goodbye, and got in my car. I was so excited as I drove to the first stop sign. Then I moved to the second stopsign. As I stopped at the third stop sign and waited until the road to clear another car smashed into me. I went from being very excited to being very scared. My neck hurt, and I was worried that something might happen to the baby, even if it was still quite early in the pregnancy. So how did my parents find out about their coming grandbaby? I called them while on the way to the ER. My dad was there when I told the admitting nurse I was expecting. Not the best way to find out, but at least nothing went too wrong. I did start spoting a week later, but at 38 weeks John Robert Selzer was born.


I am a busy mom of two wonderful children. My children have kept me on my toes since before they were born. I will never forget the day I found out I was pregnant with my first child. I had only been married for less then a month. We decided that we would let God decide when we were going to start a family. On January 11, 2007 I woke up early and started to get ready for work. I was a second grade teacher at the time. I decided to take a pregnancy test, even though my husband told me it was too soon. I wanted nothing else then to be a mother, and I was very impaitent. Too early or not that morning I got a positive pregnancy test. I was so excited that I started jumping in the bathroom. I was screaming, "We're haveing a baby!" Want to find out what happened next. Read t0morrow.