Thursday, January 20, 2011


I am a busy mom of two wonderful children. My children have kept me on my toes since before they were born. I will never forget the day I found out I was pregnant with my first child. I had only been married for less then a month. We decided that we would let God decide when we were going to start a family. On January 11, 2007 I woke up early and started to get ready for work. I was a second grade teacher at the time. I decided to take a pregnancy test, even though my husband told me it was too soon. I wanted nothing else then to be a mother, and I was very impaitent. Too early or not that morning I got a positive pregnancy test. I was so excited that I started jumping in the bathroom. I was screaming, "We're haveing a baby!" Want to find out what happened next. Read t0morrow.


  1. Ahahahaa! So is that how it went down? You were jumping? :-) Congrats on the new blog!
